Map Ranking

The hammer and the anvil

Tribe name:The hammer and the anvil
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players4.453.988
Total points:4.453.988
Average points:222.699
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 14.096.700 (18.)
ยป Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Emo0 1 787,856 50 95
chris1aut 2 424,036 91 51
TheTrainGoesChoChoo (Our tank!) 3 406,913 98 56
Lord Buurman 4 393,617 102 52
cezi13 5 364,171 105 40
Darkman 6 293,751 129 38
TekTiigroo 7 243,185 142 35
luigi91 8 230,298 145 27
Rossross 9 207,152 158 25
tlsgml529 10 184,205 176 23
Mixamatosis 11 177,725 184 35
Adeptus Lost. 12 153,723 211 17
Aussome1 13 136,840 222 16
bfds16 14 103,361 260 13
kevinbs13 15 84,486 291 11
Sasha Beton 16 82,623 297 15
IbolyaColorHead 17 73,494 314 15
ShroOomx 18 56,615 356 8
Reaper1991 19 40,778 427 11
gagarin777 20 9,159 852 1
The tribe was created because we were sick of frivolous players.

We only accept players ready for team play and active.


Our enemies are our strength!
We feel sorry for them!
They are our food!