Map Ranking

Ottoman Empire

Tribe name:Ottoman Empire
Number of members:6
Points of the best 20 players5.730
Total points:5.730
Average points:955
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 13.473 (202.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
pembantu 1 3,709 1153 1
Tajrii.MLT 2 1,005 2469 1
--LORD-PHYRON-- 3 411 3477 1
-Drinu- 4 323 3762 1
-SuperMario- 5 149 4721 1
MLT.LONER 6 133 4820 1
Tr61 was founded by abdullah111. If you have questions please contact abdullah111.

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