Map Ranking

Nyveros Dominion

Tribe name:Nyveros Dominion
Number of members:19
Points of the best 20 players101.513
Total points:101.513
Average points:5.343
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 71.839 (124.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
OyShimizu 1 13,066 482 4
choili 2 9,061 621 3
Lose4life (Baron) 3 8,797 639 4
drkfrk 4 7,340 715 4
Funkbom 5 7,141 729 4
LogoBA (Defence lead) 6 6,749 758 2
mullac11 7 6,448 786 3
unrealfishca 8 5,592 866 2
RossG12 9 5,267 909 3
jure barbar 10 4,457 1036 2
carlitoloco (Duke) 11 4,429 1044 2
rastamene 12 4,160 1104 2
Stampe 13 3,634 1212 1
Exille 14 3,615 1221 1
diddedidde 15 3,392 1265 2
santitorn 16 2,791 1423 1
Sama 17 2,372 1565 1
Chyphne 18 2,336 1581 1
Perikoloso 19 866 2645 2
NYDO was founded by carlitoloco. If you have questions please contact carlitoloco.

From the Shadows, We Rise


Nyveros Dominion is a mysterious and resourceful tribe known for their cunning strategies and mastery of ambush warfare. They value secrecy, patience, and intelligence above brute strength. Members of the Nyveros Dominion are skilled in gathering intelligence on their enemies, striking swiftly at weak points, and disappearing before retaliation can occur.


Nyveros Dominion is located in a dense, misty forest known as the Shrouded Glades. Natural barriers like rivers and cliffs make their lands difficult to navigate, and enemies often fall victim to traps hidden within the terrain.


Nyveros Dominion believe in the teachings of The Veiled One, a deity representing unseen power and subtle influence. They believe victory is best achieved without the enemy fully understanding what hit them. Their rituals often involve shadowy dances under the moonlight and rites to sharpen the senses of warriors.