Map Ranking

Anime Academy

Tribe name:Anime Academy
Number of members:16
Points of the best 20 players589.442
Total points:589.442
Average points:36.840
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.812.375 (13.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
tjavoon 1 57,717 135 11
chunkha 2 55,410 143 9
weakness disgusts me 3 51,527 160 8
macine 4 51,281 162 11
acamus2 5 43,309 191 7
Slasher78 6 40,871 205 6
JessieVania 7 37,649 225 8
svmsa 8 37,516 230 11
mitutin 9 36,844 235 6
bossmann 10 33,856 250 5
duke nukem 11 30,121 276 7
andrey fcst 12 22,048 291 5
Sirnimbus 13 27,248 299 10
NeuJEra 14 24,611 335 5
Rattiraivo 15 22,877 353 5
happygilmour97 16 16,557 458 5
Anime is the power .

We made the next Generation of Anime

Only active players.