Map Ranking

The Brotherhood of the Beaver

Tribe name:The Brotherhood of the Beaver
Number of members:19
Points of the best 20 players3.087.643
Total points:3.087.643
Average points:162.508
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 5.693.665 (23.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
kvazimoda 1 602,759 42 72
trailblazers 2 240,773 113 40
pakza022 3 236,678 116 43
xLIL Bx 4 216,581 126 27
Brass5151 5 210,863 130 35
Young Money 6 187,054 150 29
Zorroemblax 7 178,072 158 30
wizpat 8 128,973 199 19
Maik1337 9 121,226 209 21
Panxiromant 10 120,716 210 23
o xENEMYx o 11 118,742 212 15
The Kraken 12 115,998 214 15
Jonashallberg 13 115,187 216 17
warhead93 14 111,149 219 18
aldot 15 101,757 236 14
gogoGunners 16 95,533 248 11
Ragnar Vortigern 17 86,291 272 16
Finitka 18 68,376 308 15
Acropol 19 30,915 487 6