Map Ranking

Suction Raider

Tribe name:Suction Raider
Number of members:8
Points of the best 20 players537.432
Total points:537.432
Average points:67.179
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 2.472.006 (31.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Lord of Buddha 1 107,305 196 17
nanini 2 98,102 208 18
sporticus.13 3 84,217 238 17
PeppaGaming 4 82,836 241 17
BeZbash 5 79,346 248 20
FAZN 6 68,835 274 11
Firstsolo 7 10,056 803 2
M O N S T E R 8 6,735 983 2
Under protection T I T A N

Don’t act like Victim You are Traitor and betrayer
-The noob one who don’t know how to use script
-Always spam message that hate rush and want to kill them
-Ask for lots of help to def his peace vill for can sleep well
-Only 1-2 noble and always ask for pre-noble
-Loyalty drop to 2 and want to send 4 noble for cap
-Have only def troop and cap only barb
-Don’t know what is fang
-Never build cat in def vill before

Just a little story.