Map Ranking

Nightborn Raven Pact

Tribe name:Nightborn Raven Pact
Number of members:8
Points of the best 20 players5.246
Total points:5.246
Average points:656
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 169 (361.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
obad2015 1 841 2682 1
janstirn97 2 849 2683 1
Duke04 3 791 2747 1
Ser Stark 4 773 2771 1
kakeknakal 5 593 3064 1
storfyr 6 497 3243 1
Kawamura 7 459 3326 1
Sarmis2 8 443 3369 1
Beneath the shadow of eternal dusk, where the moon dances among black feathers, we walk in silence, born of the night. We are the Nightborn Ravens – heralds of mystery, keepers of ancient oaths, and seekers of truths hidden in the darkness.

Our blood flows with the wisdom of the night, our gaze sees what others cannot.

We are the wind that whispers through the thicket. We are the wings that cut through the void. We are the shadow that watches over the world. If you are called, walk with us – but remember, once a Raven, always a Raven.

May the night guide your steps, and may you never lose your way in the light.

There is only one rule: be active.
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