Map Ranking

The Crew

Tribe name:The Crew
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players4.495.342
Total points:4.495.342
Average points:224.767
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 5.555.841 (27.)
ยป Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
billsnake21 1 467,821 76 60
I am a God 2 462,000 78 66
TaxPayer 3 342,057 98 48
wytdymond 4 341,146 99 49
=Pingu= 5 321,678 108 53
Aras 6 313,389 111 52
karpnik30 7 246,412 135 36
TheMightyZ 8 200,363 151 30
Simja 9 184,669 162 46
ReputationX 10 170,761 173 30
13aDKiD 11 164,244 179 35
Pjort888 12 156,338 187 31
tanner40 13 156,193 188 27
Lewbot 14 153,506 190 34
LazaniEX 15 146,915 197 23
Raoul Duke 16 146,556 200 28
marauder66 17 136,207 211 28
wezzzleyyy 18 131,522 216 22
Grave Digger 19 129,655 223 22
J14archer 20 123,910 229 29

Duke: tanner40

Baron: LazaniEX

Baron: ReputationX


We move as one, strike as one, and conquer as one. To our allies, we are an unbreakable shield. To our enemies, we are the storm that wipes them from the map. Betrayal is met with annihilation, weakness is not tolerated, and failure is never an option.